"intruder21" [Fiddler2 Extension] by yamagata21

Screen Shot

  • What's this?
  • How to use
    1. "intruder21" is a Fiddler2 Extension, so install the Fiddler2 first.
    2. Extract files from intruder-verX_XX.zip to %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Fiddler2\Scripts.
    3. Start Fiddler2, and browse the site you're testing.
    4. Right click on a request at "Web Sessions", and choose "Send to intruder21".

      fig1. send to intruder21

    5. Mark the locations in the request where you want to insert payloads.

      fig2. Configure Target Request-1

      fig3. Configure Target Request-2

    6. Configure your test payloads.

      Fig4. Configure Payloads
      * "$$" means default value.

    7. Click "Start Test" button.

      Fig5. Start Test

  • Download
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